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电话: 022-2758365
姓名: jassica
Qingdao Manguan Chemical Industry Co.,Ltd.

  Qingdao manguan chemical co., ltd., established in 2006, is located in Qingdao. As a leading professional chemical manufacturer and exporter certified by BV and SGS, we devote ourselves to supplying high-quality chemical products to universal consumers. We mainly manufacture and export raw industrial chemicals, food and feed additive, cosmetic chemicals and pharmaceutical chemicals. In order to guarantee timely and efficient delivery, we set up a logistic department to operate all transport, deployment and export processes, which are allocated with an elite team with high vocational quality and enterprising morality. At the same time, we have large warehouses in Tianjin port and Qingdao ...

主要产品/业务: Sodium Cyanide,Mercury,Calcium Carbide,LDPE,HDPE, *域名隐藏* in,Cathode Coper,Aluminum Ingot,Lead Ingot,Silicon,Polysilicon,Nickel,ferroboron,etc.

Qingdao Manguan Chemical Industry Co.,Ltd. / 天津 / 天津市南开区 (300140 ) / 电话:022-2758365

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